BULVAX Ltd. is a Bulgarian limited liability company active in the field of marketing and distribution of biological medicinal products, mainly vaccines.
BULVAX operates worldwide and we see ourselves as a part of the society everywhere we are present.
The products we market and distribute successfully combine new production technologies with the highest quality standards that are in line with the requirements of the WHO and the European Pharmacopoeia.
The product portfolio contains more than 100 positions, which are available on the Bulgarian and European markets, as well as on the Global market. In more than 90 countries around the world, our biological products are highly sought and highly valued.
We also understand the value of relationships and we work to build and maintain ours by providing an uncompromising service.
Our partners’ high approval ratings are founded on our expertise in sourcing top quality pharmaceutical products from our extensive network of International suppliers. We deliver anywhere in the world efficiently, on time and at competitive prices.